You can get access to medical information about you via this notice, which explains how it may be used and disclosed. Take the time to read it carefully.
As a user of our services, you have the right to the following:
We may use and share your information as we:
Pick-up in-store, at our drive-through, or mailed anywhere in Arizona (AZ), Arkansas (AR), Colorado (CO), Connecticut (CT), Delaware (DE), Florida (FL), Idaho (ID), Illinois (IL), Indiana (IN), Iowa (IA), Kansas (KS), Maine (ME), Massachusetts (MA), Michigan (MI), Minnesota (MN), Mississippi (MS), Missouri (MO), Montana (MT), Nebraska (NE), Nevada (NV), New Jersey (NJ), New Mexico (NM), New York (NY), North Carolina (NC), North Dakota (ND), Ohio (OH), Oklahoma (OK), Pennsylvania (PA), Rhode Island (RI), South Carolina (SC), South Dakota (SD), Tennessee (TN), Utah (UT), Vermont (VT), Wisconsin (WI), and Wyoming (WY).
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